After about four hours and kneeling and praying (and I'm not even Catholic) the majority of the weeds have passed on and are now buried in a large brown bag that can be purchased at your local home depot store. They are awaiting to be transferred to their final resting place, our county landfill. Rest In Peace!
As I stood back and looked at the placement of the plants, I determined that some reorganization needed to occur. I had two low growing plants in front of the windows and they were hidden by the taller plants.
I think the landscaping people didn't know what they were planting where, so I grabbed the shovel and started digging up plants and moving them. Ahhh, that's better. I'm thinking of going to Wal-Mart and picking up a few bags of mulch and call it a day.
I also picked up some flowers at the store yesterday and potted them and placed them at the front door. It's nice to see some color at the entry of our house. Kristin helped me decide on the Gerber Daisies and the Lilies, we both think the colors compliment each other.

My next project will be to take control back over from the backyard, which looks more like a weed cemetery. I have purchased a product that states it will kill over 250 common weeds... We shall see! After we get through with this next round of storms this weekend, I'm going to be spraying the holy crap outta them.

I am having a hard time understanding how I can have such nice green healthy weeds, but I can't get a single blade of grass to grow around here. All I can say is "so long weeds!" I promise to make your eulogy short and sweet! I know, the "snow" dance worked, the "rain" dance is working, now It's time for the "weed" dance. I'll post more later, gotta go practice weed dancing!
Good job on the front bed. I can't wait to see what becomes of the back yard. The flowers at the door look great, and they do add a little life to the walkway to our house.
I think the elephant ears would really add alot to the bed. Pretty pot too! Very colorful! Don't know what to say about the weeds in the back except...that the egg dye from Easter didn't do much for them. ;o>
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